Thursday, October 25, 2012

Broke as a Joke

I am sure many of you poor college students can relate to the title of this post.  Many of you are young, immediately out of high school, and expected this.  And others are like me, hit hard by the economy, probably spent a few years overspending, buying things you can no longer afford because the money seemed endless and the sky seemed to be the limit for what you could earn, achieve, purchase, and accomplish.  However, like me, you now realize you should have been smarter with your money.  You should have set some aside for a rainy day, or the day you lost your job.  Had you done this, you may not have ever seen your material possessions disappear into thin air, repossessed, foreclosed upon or sold to make way for a cheaper version that you could actually afford because of job loss or a pay cut.  But alas, the glass is NOT half empty.  What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.  These material things, this money you may have once earned, which felt like a status symbol, are not the things by which we measure a person.  Because my friends, the best things in life are free.  What's really important in life are the things that we cannot put a price tag on... think of those Master Card commercials and the one item they list as "priceless." 

Back in my 20's I read a book called "The Broke Diaries" which was written by a young woman who went through a slew of low paying jobs and whose meals consisted mostly of Ramen Noodles.  Back then I could relate, as I was living on leftovers my then boyfriend/future husband brought home from his job cooking at the Olive Garden.  (It's only in the past few years that I am able to stand the sight of Breadsticks and Pasta Fagiol soup.)  Years passed and we were blessed with prosperity that made me say things like "As GOD IS MY WITNESS, I WILL NEVER EAT GENERIC MACARONI AND CHEESE AGAIN!"  As life tends to do, it has come full circle and I am once again checking the couch cushions for change the day before pay day.  And once again, I can relate to "The Broke Diaries."  I could write my own broke diary! Yet this time I am not crying about it, or waiting for prosperity and wealth to return.  This time I feel thankful for what I DO have.  A roof over my head,  a family who loves me (my 18 year old son bowing down at my feet the other night because I made those hot dog/cheese/crescent roll wraps - a comfort food of his childhood - to him this is better than a lobster dinner!),  friends who are there for me and always take care of my family (dropping off bags of what one calls "b*llsh!t food"  a/k/a junk food causing my husband to profess his love for these generous women as we have a buffet of chips and dips and muffins standing at our "furniture in a box" kitchen island snacking away), those friends giving me constant loans of $20 here and there until payday,  and God, who I feel closer to than I ever have before, has blessed me with a beautiful life and looking forward to all of my tomorrows.  

That being said, even if I do come into greater prosperity and wealth in the future, I will continue to live a simple life.  I don't have any great dreams of grandiose material possessions; I am content with what I have at this moment.  I would rather use any extra money I have to give back to others that may be going through what I am going through myself at this moment, and give back to those dear souls who have helped me through rough times.  I will live my life with a greater purpose and understanding.  And just as it is right now, the greatest "riches" in my life will be love.  

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What Is A Friend?

What is a friend? Is it a BFF, a bestie, a sister from another mister or a brother from another mother?  A friend is someone with whom you share my random, often ridiculous, thoughts and moments.  When you speak, a friend will listen, with interest and give feedback, opinions, advice, encouragement and when you need it, a little bit of tough love.  A friend will remember EVERYTHING about you, good and bad, because a friend wants to know you well enough to ACTUALLY know you.  A friend can predict your actions and reactions as if they were her own.  When you are hurt, a friend will feel that hurt and keep you in her heart even if she is not with you.  A friend is the first person you want to share good news with and when you are happy and will share that happiness with you.  A friend will care about your family, your health, your MENTAL health, your career, you goals and aspirations.  If a friend only has $20, she will loan you $15.  A real friend will have your back, no matter what – even if she doesn’t necessarily agree with you, she will take your side. A friend gives you a sense of comfort in life and in her home, and has the same comfort in yours.  A friend never has to knock on your door; she is always welcome to walk right in. A friend will share their family, siblings and forever friends with you.  A friend never makes you feel like a third wheel.  A friend will open your eyes to things you may have never seen and expand your interests and open your mind.  A friend can make you laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh until you are almost crying, sharing your same warped sense of humor.  A friend will help you overcome obstacles and heartbreak and hurt, even if it just means just sitting next to you in silence for as long as you need her to.  Friends are not afraid to cry in front of one other.  They share secrets during the darkest hours and also on the finest days.  Friends might go to hell and back fighting for one another and WITH one another.  A real friend will call you at 10:00 at night to work out an argument or misunderstanding from earlier in the day because she doesn’t want you to go to sleep feeling bad.  You will never have to ask a true friend for help because she will know when you need it and offer it up before you even have a chance to ask. 

So when someone asks me “what is a friend?” - it isn’t a simple answer.  True friendship involves layers and layers of complex STUFF and hours of conversations about anything and everything. True friendship involves adventures and shenanigans and inside jokes and catchphrases and laughter and tears.  A true friend is the one person who can make you feel better when it feels like God has finally given you AS MUCH AS YOU CAN HANDLE.  A true friend is part of your “chosen family” and a true friend is rare, but if you are lucky enough to find one, that person will help you to feel a little less alone in this big, big world. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Greatest Country in the World

In the midst of this election year and all of the drama that has caused family and friends to engage in Facebook wars and arguments with one another, I wanted to share something that I found not only amusing but also inspirational.  Although I personally keep saying "Ron Paul 2012!" or "people like Obama and people like Romney, but I just like wine", I do have my own political views.  I have tried my best to express them in an adult appropriate manner.  However, it is very disheartening to me that many Americans have resorted to name calling and middle school type tactics to defend their "side".  No matter what I agree with or disagree with, I am open to listening to for the opinions and views of friends, family, acquaintances and strangers and I respect their point of view.

The link attached pokes a little bit of fun of both sides, but also shows how two people (celebrities at that) can come together and teach each other a little bit about the "other side".  It shows that we do not need to have a Civil War over a presidential election, we can still love and respect one another and sometimes we just have to agree to disagree.  This is the foundation on which America was built.  Differences and diversity are what makes this the greatest country in the world and makes me proud to be an American.  Though some of you might relate to Sean and some of you might relate to Bob, look into your heart and find the real message in this short film.  One Nation, under God, indivisible we stand.

Click on the link below to watch the film:
Americans - A Public Service Message by Kid Rock and Sean Penn

Monday, October 8, 2012

Going directly to the 12th Grade from Kindergarten

Recently a friend of mine purchased an iPhone.  I believe she may be the last person on the face of the Earth who did not own a smart phone.  In fact, it seemed as if she used the same flip-phone since 1999 and had no desire to upgrade.  I am not sure if this phone was military grade which meant it did not incur damages when dropped on concrete or water spilled on it, and how could she go that many years without ever losing it?  It is hard to believe that one person could just be THAT CAREFUL with their phone.  Or that this person never had any desire to possess a phone with applications for Facebook, You Tube, Google Maps Navigation, or Twitter.  How on Earth could she even travel anywhere without a Navigator to tell her the best way to get to Australia was via Kayak across the Pacific?  I am not even sure if this phone had a camera... and if it did, I am doubtful it had the capacity to send or receive a picture message.  This seemed almost unheard of to most of our friends.  It became a running joke to say things like "hey Lori, take a picture of this... ohhhh wait you don't have a smart phone!!!"

So finally after years of tolerating being given a hard time, she purchased her very first smart phone.  Apparently her motto is "go big or go home"  or maybe she figured she would make sure no one could ever make fun of her phone again because instead of starting with something simple and stepping up as we all have done over the years, she went for the Cadillac of smart phones and bought herself an iPhone!  (Literally this is comparable to trading in a Ford Pinto for a Cadillac!!)  Since her purchase she has learned some new curse words as she learns to operate this phone, randomly calling people without wanting to, learning the joys of auto correct causing her text messages at times to become completely confusing,  causing friends to run to the rescue to save this expensive phone from pouring rain, spilled drinks and general damage which all of us long term smart phone users have learned to avoid!  This isn't your momma's cellphone anymore!  The only other thing I can compare this too is going from kindergarten directly to 12th grade, and skipping all of the grades in between.  Considering that, she is not doing too bad.  It is nice to be able to send her a Facebook Message at any time and know she can actually read it from her phone.  Or not to worry that she is going to get lost on her way to Australia!