Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dear Mom and Dad, Camp is Fun...

Tomorrow I am picking my daughter up from Drama ("Starz") Camp at UWGB, where she has been living since June 10th.  Those twelve days have seemed like 100 years!  I honestly didn't think they would.  My daughter is almost 12 and very independent, but she is this short little burst of energy, which often is a ray of sunshine in my life, but at other times I must admit gets a bit overwhelming. She is so sweet with this still childlike voice, but there are times when I am trying to do homework and she just wants to tell me one more joke, that I probably don't find it so cute.  I am sure that any of you working/student parents out there may be able to relate.  So I thought this whole camp thing might be a nice peaceful break, considering my other children are my 18 year old twin boys who have their "own lives."  So maybe day one and two, I was taking in the sweet sounds of silence.  And on day one and two Rachel called each night.  Day 3 she didn't call... and then I think that is when I started to really miss her or maybe admit that I missed her.  Is this what that "empty nest" thing feels like?  I think I suddenly realized that she IS my little ray of sunshine in every day, even when I get irritable with her,  I often NEED that ray of sunshine.  Anyhow, I am glad she is coming home and I realized I am SO NOT READY for ALL of the kids to be gone yet!

I am also interested to see what the camp has offered her.  UWGB had three camps during the same time.  The Starz camp, a creative writing camp and a Lego camp (I am not really sure about this one considering this is all for middle school aged kids, however, maybe Legos are now more advanced than what I personally remember from my childhood). This camp is offered to local middle school students as well as middle school students in the Milwaukee area, who are bussed up to UWGB.  It is purely a scholarship based program, meaning it is absolutely free of charge.  The scholarship is minimally based on Academic record but more specifically majorly based on financial need.  I feel so fortunate that Rachel had the opportunity to attend, because not only did she get the "college" experience of living in the college dorms, but she met new people and has made a lot of friends (unlike me, my daughter loves "new" people.  I am personally afraid of "new" people much of the time, and the only thing that scares me more than "new" people is "new random" people).  The camp not only offers classes in the area the student chooses (in her case drama - DisneyKids 101),  but they also go on many field trips and activities available during their free time.  From what I know the camp has taken the kids bowling, to Bay Beach twice, movies, the mall, swimming, and Rachel's class even had a field trip to WBAY TV.  (Pretty disappointed considering I work in the building next to WBAY, and I didn't even know she was right next door!)  For anyone who has a middle school aged child who might be interested in this type of camp, and has financial need, post a comment and I can let you know how to get in touch with the Director of Summer Camp Programs! 

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