Friday, July 13, 2012


Today is Friday the 13th.  Some people consider 13 an unlucky number. For me, it has always been lucky.  I particularly like THIS Friday the 13th because tomorrow is my birthday!  I have actually decided to have backwards birthdays from now on, so tomorrow I will be rolling my age back to 39.  As for the number 13, there are many reasons why I love this number.  My twin boys were born on November 13th, exactly 13 minutes apart.  My husband lived on 13th Avenue when we met.  On our honeymoon, I sat in seat 13 on the airplane and our hotel room was on the 13th floor.  I could go on with several more examples of why I love the number 13, but I am sure it would bore you.  I just wanted to clarify that my love of the number 13 has nothing to do with it being Taylor Swift's lucky number.  I have been obsessed with the number all of my life.  In fact to this day, when I put gas in my car, I almost always will only put $13 worth in.  Which incidentally only gives me about a quarter of a tank of gas with prices these days so yes I am pretty much going to the gas station every day of my life.

Another one of my favorite things, or people I should say, is Kid Rock.  For months I have heard that he would be playing at Rock USA on my birthday, but tickets to those events are very pricey and I wasn't sure I wanted to commit considering I wasn't a huge fan of any of the other bands playing.  Yes, a lot of that music brings me back to the days of my youth, but in my old age I am more of a country music fan (my teenage self is really hating me for saying that).   In general I love any type of music though, especially live music.  There is nothing like seeing a live band play and the feeling you get being a part of that.  This week, I was fortunate enough to be offered two free passes to Rock USA by one of my very good friends from school.  This included the offer to share her campsite.  Then just as plans were falling together, a very dear relative of mine offered me 4 more free passes as a gift knowing it was my birthday weekend. So not only can my husband and I go, but our 18 year old twin sons will be joining us, as well as some friends.  I feel very lucky to be surrounded by such generous people in my life.  I am sure it is going to be a great birthday weekend, and maybe Kid Rock will sing Happy Birthday to me!!  

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