Monday, February 11, 2013

After a Long Reprieve.... I'm Back

I feel like I should apologize for not writing for so long.  But you know, life tends to get crazy and all sorts of changes have happened in the past two months.  At the end of December, I was offered a full time position at a law firm in Appleton, which of course I accepted. In January my son graduated from Air Force Basic Training, which meant a trip to San Antonio, Texas. And finally, I have started my last semester of school.  I am sure of it this time, as I only have those last two classes.  As you can imagine, life has been busy.

I will get back to that Texas thing later in the week, as there will be another blog about that trip.  What I wanted to focus on today was the word "busy."  Life is extremely busy and often we don't have time to get together with people in our lives.  We procrastinate.  We put off working out.  We put off doctor's appointments.  We put off doing our taxes.  We use the excuse that we are busy.  In all of my time being "busy",  I have tried to continue to make time for those people who are truly important in my life.  I have a great support system of friends and family, and no matter how busy I am I don't want anyone to feel neglected.  Especially those of you who are always there for me.

What if there is someone in your life who only has time to pencil you in? (seriously Lori, this is no offense to you at all :)  You always make time for me, but I like that whole pencil you in phrase.)  I have always been a firm believer that if someone cares about you enough, they are never too busy for you. They will make time for you.  This weekend, my daughter had a major medical issue she was recovering from, but I received a call from a friend who had a flat tire and needed a ride to go pick up a new tire, and take her to watch her change said tire.  (No, I did not help, I simply offered moral support with the tire changing.)  It would have been really easy to explain how busy I was and how I had so many things going on.  But I didn't.  Because she needed me and it was not a big deal to take an hour out of my day to help out.  I just imagine if I was in that situation myself.... she would be there in an insta-second to help me.

Other than busy, there are people who seem to think life works on their schedule.  When they have time to do something, or get together with you, they feel like you should jump and adhere to their need for immediate action.  Perhaps this does not work with your own schedule.  No one should expect you to adhere to their schedule either.  (Unless this involves homework, or work deadlines... please be sure to meet those).  With our friends and family and all loved ones, we should work together, it is called compromise.  Life is not about demanding or commanding those in your life what to do and when.

We are all busy, we all have schedules.  Yet we all have the ability to compromise.  To multi-task.  And to make time for what is really important in life. So today, slow down a little, breathe, take some time out for someone or something you have been putting off.  You will feel good about it. 

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