As I am thinking about starting Fall classes next week, it seems like it was not too long ago that I was walking into the first day of my first class of NWTC back in January of 2011. In some ways it feels like it was yesterday, and in other ways it feels like it was 100 years ago! It's the same way I feel when I realize in just 16 short days I will be bringing my son to Milwaukee to move into the dorms at MSOE. Where does time go? And why can't we freeze it on those days when life seems so beautiful and perfect and fast forward it on those days when we feel like things can't get any worse? Even yesterday my daughter, who is looking forward to her 12th birthday in a few weeks, told me that last year it felt like she had to wait FOREVER for her birthday, yet this year it seems to be coming up so quickly. Maybe it's true, the older we get, the faster the hands of time spin. The days when it seemed to tick tock at a snail's pace have long since passed me by. At my age, I feel like I am trying to grab every fleeting moment that is slipping away like trying to trap a bee in my cupped hand so it doesn't sting someone (ok, my nephew Max namely in this case, because believe it or not I actually did that! Shocking considering my lack of hand/eye coordination!)
If you are young and waiting impatiently for life to BEGIN, remember to slow down and enjoy the journey rather than spending every moment trying to get to the next thing and the next thing and the next thing. Believe me, being a full fledged grown up is highly overrated!!! Tonight I will be visiting a friend who doesn't live very far away, but whom I haven't seen in far too long. Her twin girls were just babies like TWO SECONDS AGO, yet somehow they celebrated their fourth birthday this week. And though I know our friendship will always stand the test of time no matter how few and far between our visits become, I am going to make a concentrated effort to slow down and spend more time with the people that matter in my life. I am going to savor those moments instead of racing through them so I can get on to the next thing my busy life requires. And because time wait for no one, you should do the same.
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