Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Greatest Country in the World

In the midst of this election year and all of the drama that has caused family and friends to engage in Facebook wars and arguments with one another, I wanted to share something that I found not only amusing but also inspirational.  Although I personally keep saying "Ron Paul 2012!" or "people like Obama and people like Romney, but I just like wine", I do have my own political views.  I have tried my best to express them in an adult appropriate manner.  However, it is very disheartening to me that many Americans have resorted to name calling and middle school type tactics to defend their "side".  No matter what I agree with or disagree with, I am open to listening to for the opinions and views of friends, family, acquaintances and strangers and I respect their point of view.

The link attached pokes a little bit of fun of both sides, but also shows how two people (celebrities at that) can come together and teach each other a little bit about the "other side".  It shows that we do not need to have a Civil War over a presidential election, we can still love and respect one another and sometimes we just have to agree to disagree.  This is the foundation on which America was built.  Differences and diversity are what makes this the greatest country in the world and makes me proud to be an American.  Though some of you might relate to Sean and some of you might relate to Bob, look into your heart and find the real message in this short film.  One Nation, under God, indivisible we stand.

Click on the link below to watch the film:
Americans - A Public Service Message by Kid Rock and Sean Penn

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