Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Let's Not Talk About the Weather

What a crazy weather day!  I was prepared to attend my first Phi Theta Kappa meeting today at NWTC at 3:30; however, my built in Doppler Radar is suggesting I might want to get home by early afternoon! Unfortunately, I missed the induction ceremony because I was not feeling well that day, so I have been looking forward to attending a meeting, and publishing a full report right here, where you can read it first! Not that I don’t have enough to keep me busy at home this afternoon. I am in the process of compiling a list of questions for the Admissions Rep at MSOE, where my son Cody will be pursuing his higher education next Fall.  I also have a big dream of de-cluttering my house this winter, which might be a task better suited for a crime scene cleanup crew. To put the frosting on the cupcake, my twin boys Mack and Cody will be turning 18 this Sunday, November 13th, along with my nephew Zak’s 18th on Friday, I have a lot to prepare for this weekend. There actually might be some crying involved with this milestone birthday (from me) and some thankfulness (that they are alive and turned out to be such good kids).  That said, back to the weather, I am seriously not ready for this wintry mix stuff.  Someday I may pursue my dream of living like a gypsy in a tropical climate, making my living running a jewelry cart not too far from a beach, and living a simple life with few possessions, but with much wealth. Because no matter what I do or where I go, I know one thing, my life is “rich” with love.

Below is a photo of my twin boys - 1996ish, probably 3 or 4 years old.  Even though they will be 18 on Sunday this is how I will always see them! 

 Let me just snap back into basecamp of reality at this point.  It is hard to believe we only have five weeks left in this semester.  For the past few weeks I have been overwhelmed with homework, even waking in the middle of the night to obsess about an error I might have made on an assignment for my Wills and Estates class.  I have been eating and breathing legal research, to the point of citing cases to my sister in law when her sweet dog Floyd was attacked without provocation on Halloween by another dog.  There are times when my family grows weary of me spending hours at the kitchen table, my laptop a ball and chain.  When I do have down time, conversations that should be relaxing often turn to what I have learned in my legal classes.  After hours of spending Sunday afternoon doing legal research, I finally felt caught up to the point that I could enjoy the second half of the Packer game. (Go Pack! 8-0!)  Yet, after the game, I found myself lecturing my mother about where she is lacking in the area of Estate Planning.  So last night when I found myself at the kitchen table, laughing a true genuine laugh and enjoying the company of three almost 18 year old boys, who I call my sons and my nephew, I realized that no matter how much of an overachiever I am, those moments make life worth living. Those are the moments I will always treasure. And lastly those are the moments that leave me going to bed thinking it was a truly good day, and that I look forward to the next.

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