Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Sky is Crying

This morning, driving my son Cody to school for his very last day of high school, raindrops began to fall on the windshield and I said "Oh look Cody, the sky is crying because it is your last day of high school!" But as I pulled away from Green Bay West High School, I was crying too.  For my very last drop off there.  For the pride a mother feels knowing what wonderful young men her sons have grown up to be.  Even though Mack has already completed his high school path through an alternative program, he will also be walking graduation on Saturday, and though we went through some rough times, we all got through it and my boys and I are all better people for it.  No more sitting in the driveway at ten after seven yelling "Cab's here!" and honking the horn... and I am actually going to miss that. Although my daughter Rachel is only in 6th grade, I know the next 6 years are going to speed by in the blink of an eye as well considering it seems like yesterday that I was dropping the boys off for their first day of kindergarten.  So instead of continuing to write a sappy tear-worthy blog post, I would like to share something my son Cody wrote on his Facebook page last night, hopefully he won't mind if I share it with you.
"What did I learn from my four years in high school?  I've learned that friends aren't all that important, but education is essential. Regardless of how lazy of a person you are, that should be your number one priority. It's better to be able to concentrate on learning than to deal with unnecessary drama. Of course, it is important to make friends, in order to make memories, good or bad. People to look back to when you think of high school and realize how much you've missed it and honestly missed the good times as well as the drama. All in all, high school has taught me to be an individual and wait to let people accept you for who you are rather than conforming to a specific way just to make friends. No matter how smart you are, it will not make you any less popular. Popularity is just a curtain that hides the true ugly nature of some people. Respect your enemies just as much as your friends, as well as your teachers. It is a great thing to be able to be able to relate to a teacher and be able to approach them in the same manner you would a friend. And although I will graduate high school this Saturday, my final day of entering high school being tomorrow, I will always remember what high school was. Because all the good parts and the bad parts have made me into the person I am today. And I can honestly say that that is something I am truly proud of."

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